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The best nutritional supplements

What are nutritional supplements?

Nutritional supplements are generally unregulated products that intend to supply the body with required nutrients, such as carbohydrates, proteins and minerals.

The US market for nutritional supplements was estimated at US$4.8 billion in 2003 to include �vitamins, minerals, herbal supplements, non-herbal supplements and other types of food supplements� ( ).

They may come as single products or a combination of products such as multivitamins or multivitamins and minerals.

Why nutritional supplements?

Recent years have emphasized the need for nutritional supplements on the premise that the body needs them simply because no amount of eating can provide the body with the complete nutritional requirements.

Some people do not eat meals that are representative of the recommended food groupings. Either the foods are not available to some people or they do not like their taste, as in the case of vegetables.

Some foods also do not provide the right amount of quantity needed by the body to meet the required daily allowance (RDA). For instance, around 10 tomatoes are needed to supply the body with enough lycopene to help prevent heart diseases. But even a few pieces of tomatoes are enough to make you feel full because of the vegetable's water content.

Furthermore, some nutrients are lost or destroyed during food preparation.

Scientific studies:

Studies have shown that taking nutritional supplements help prevent diseases such as heart ailments, stroke, osteoporosis, and brain and spinal cord defects in babies. Studies show that people's current level of food intake are simply not enough to prevent these diseases that's they need to take supplements.

Some of these studies also indicate that taking nutritional supplements are the least costly option to prevent diseases. The costs of the supplements are so low that they won't even affect people's budgets ( ).

Studies have also indicated that among the people who require nutritional supplements are:

"  Adults, especially the elderly, women and childbearing women.

"  Those who do not have access to food choices. For instance, urban settlers hardly have access to fruits and vegetables, and dairy products unlike rural folks.

"  Those with poor body habits such as smoking and frequent alcohol intake.

With these studies, the US Food and Drug Administration has allowed some limited labeling of some nutritional supplements with claims that they can help prevent certain diseases.

Among the recommended (or best) nutritional supplements are the following:

Type of Nutritional Supplements


Multivitamins and minerals

To boost the immune system, especially among the elderly

Vitamins B, specifically B-6, B-12, folic acid

To prevent risks of heart attack and stroke

Vitamin C & E

Anti-oxidants which help protect cells and membranes of the body against everyday wear and tear

Calcium supplements

To increase bone density to prevent osteoporosis

Folic Acid

To prevent neural tube birth defects (for childbearing women); and strengthen immune system (of adults)

Vitamin D

For strong bones

Even with the availability of nutritional supplements in the market, nutritionists also emphasize that these supplements should also be taken with good nutritional practices, such as exercise and healthy eating habits.

Click here to find out what types of foods are right for you

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